
织 was created at an institution by higher education professionals just like you. 我们在校园里使用织, and we understand the unique challenges facing institutions, 项目, 教师, 和工作人员. 换句话说,我们也经历过你们的处境.

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Collective fun88乐天使 Success Requires Collaboration: Dr. 罗伯塔·罗斯-费舍尔解释

Educating others is a collective responsibility and nobody knows this better than Dr. Roberta Ross-Fisher, Higher Education Consultant at Global Educational Consulting LLC. Her journey twists and turns through the splendor of gifted 项目, expanding outward to an evaluator’s perspective and even looping in and around regulatory matters — it’s really quite remarkable. Dr. Ross-Fisher的[…]

Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy, and Quality: A Conversation with CHEA

在一个小的, 农村城镇, there is an agricultural college that has been locally hailed for its successes for nearly a century. As the only higher education institution within an hour’s drive, it serves to educate local students who come from strong agricultural backgrounds to make the best and most innovative farmers of tomorrow. 与[…]

编织评估的7个技巧 & 共同fun88乐天使:信息图

  Dear 评估 or IE Director – Welcome to the job you didn’t know you wanted! Most 评估, accreditation, and IE directors didn’t set out to be in their roles. 直到最近, there were not even courses on those topics, let alone 项目 of study or career paths. Typically the jobs were filled by organized […]

Showcasing Your 评估 Work: How to Present and Publish

IE and 评估 professionals often wear many hats, and are not always thinking about how to translate our work into publication or presentations. However, the scholarship of 评估 is growing, and all of us have value to contribute. 织和dr. Tisha Paredes, Nick Curtis, and Gina Polychronopoulos, and discussed how to be […]

Leading 评估 Training for Your Campus

  Often part of leading 评估 on campus requires training 教师 和工作人员. 虽然我们很多人都是教师, we may not have led any kind of professional development or training for our colleagues. It can feel intimidating, but we have several tips to make sure your events are successful. 训练基础就像[…]


  A lot of time is devoted to writing student learning 结果, which makes sense. These guide the rest of the 评估 process and most directly tie to curriculum and 项目. 但是写目标呢? 没有写好的成就目标, we will not have reliable information on if those 结果 are being met. 虽然[…]

Targets Make the 评估 Process Go Round – How to Make Sure Yours Work Well

  随着评估的成熟, we now see many 项目 and units have been developing mission statements, 目标, 结果, 并且测量了很多年. Surprisingly there is one part of the process that continues to be challenging – setting targets. An achievement target answers the question, “What are you looking for? 成功是什么样子的?” […]


  从我们开始评估到现在, 教师 have asked “I spend a lot of time and effort grading – why can’t I use those?” The answer is actually quite nuanced, and makes a lot of sense once we discuss it. In truth, often the exact same assignments might be used for both […]

ALOs and IE Leaders: Partners in fun88乐天使

Always called to a life of helping others, Dr. 文斯Erario, Director of Institutional Effectiveness Planning and Research at Life University, 发现自己是一个“偶然的学者”.” Kicking off his career with nearly three decades of service as a chiropractor, 文斯涉足政界, 质量保证, 以及临床工作. Dr. Erario加入我们讨论[…]

Real 评估: How UNK is Shifting 评估 Culture to Move Beyond Data

While the perception and practice of 评估 has certainly come a long way, it’s still not uncommon to hear challenges with buy-in, 闭合循环, 以及持续改进的文化. 和任何类型的工作一样, there may indeed be some cases of genuine opposition to doing 评估, 或者至少做得“对”.” […]

Breaking Barriers: Accrediting for Inclusion with Dr. 玛莎模拟

There are approximately 300 higher education 项目 for students with intellectual disabilities across the United States. But currently, there is a lack of standardized accreditation systems in place for those 项目.  在最新一期节目中. 玛莎模拟, professor and director of the Center for Disability and Education at the University of Rochester and chair […]


Many of us have experienced a hospital stay, or been with a loved one during theirs. In most cases we have complete trust in the credentials of the caregivers, 因为毕竟, being a nurse or a doctor requires rigorous study and evaluation. However, recent news has shown a startling situation that in fact highlights […]

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